Ghost dwarves: army showcase
I've recently taken my ghost dwarf army up to 2000 points, so in this post I'm going to run through the army and show off a bunch of photos. I've previously blogged about the concept , theme and colour scheme , and lore of the army, so go and look at those posts for more details of how the army came about. I'm incredibly happy with how the army has ended up, I've done more to make it my own than with any of my previous Age of Sigmar armies, and the army I've ended up with is very close to what I had in mind when I came up with the original concept for it. Quick lore recap Back in the Age of Myth, the duardin of the Zhalgrad Hold waged war against the Sylvaneth of Rhweandryn Thicket in the Realm of Ghyran. A duardin host marched up the hill into the thicket at the heart of the Wildroot forest, and none of them ever came back. For many, many moons, nothing stirred in Rhweandryn Thicket. The duardin remaining in the hold moved away and scattered, and the forest w...