Warhammer Underworlds tournament report - November 2023
Yesterday I went to an Underworlds tournament, so here’s an event report blog. The tournament was run by the Agents of Sigmar at the Gamers Guild store in Reigate. It was a five round best-of-one tournament using the Nemesis format, which is limited deckbuilding using a warband deck and any one Rivals deck. I took the Thricefold Discord, one of the warbands from the recent Deathgorge boxed set. I’ve played probably 10-15 games with them since they were released, but almost all in straight Rivals mode with just their warband deck. I’d only played two previous games with them in Nemesis and that was with the Tooth and Claw Rivals deck, which I decided was a poor choice for them and immediately binned off in favour of Fearsome Fortress. So I hadn’t played any practice games with the deck I took to the event. For people unfamiliar with the warband, the theme is that they are three Slaaneshi daemons who hate each other. In mechanics terms, this means that each one inspires when ...