Ghost dwarves: lore
I've written before on the blog about my ghost dwarf army, this post is going to cover my lore for them. The short version is: they are the ghosts of dwarves and Sylvaneth who died fighting each other in the Age of Myth, and now their ghosts have risen up to defend the forest their bodies lie in against the encroaching forces of Nurgle. Read on for the longer version! I'm hoping to develop their story further by playing games with them once it becomes safe to play games again in the UK. Ghost dwarf lore Long ago, the duardin of the Zhalgrad Hold waged war against the Sylvaneth of Rhweandryn Thicket. The hold was set into a crag on the outskirts of the Wildroot forest, and the duardin mines ran deep under the wood, cutting through roots and scarring the ground. Many were the trees felled to fuel the duardin fires, and the smoke of their industry was smelt throughout the forest. But in the heart of the forest stood the Rhweandryn Thicket, and there the duardin dared not go. Th...