
Showing posts from November, 2020

Ghost dwarves: lore

I've written before on the blog about my ghost dwarf army, this post is going to cover my lore for them.  The short version is: they are the ghosts of dwarves and Sylvaneth who died fighting each other in the Age of Myth, and now their ghosts have risen up to defend the forest their bodies lie in against the encroaching forces of Nurgle. Read on for the longer version! I'm hoping to develop their story further by playing games with them once it becomes safe to play games again in the UK. Ghost dwarf lore Long ago, the duardin of the Zhalgrad Hold waged war against the Sylvaneth of Rhweandryn Thicket. The hold was set into a crag on the outskirts of the Wildroot forest, and the duardin mines ran deep under the wood, cutting through roots and scarring the ground. Many were the trees felled to fuel the duardin fires, and the smoke of their industry was smelt throughout the forest. But in the heart of the forest stood the Rhweandryn Thicket, and there the duardin dared not go. Th...

Hobby projects - November 2020

 Let's see how I did against last month's goals, and plan what I'm going to work on this month. Last month's goals 1. Finish my Kharadron Overlords army: done! I did a whole blog post on it and everything. I'm really pleased with this project, and hoping to get a lot of games in with them once it is safe to meet up with people again. 2. Work on my display board: complete! I blogged about this last week . It was nice to try something a bit different, and I'm happy with how it came out. Because I've left it slightly more than a month between these posts, I had some time to spare so I also painted ten Mortek Guard as a test project for a possible Ossiarch Bonereaper army. I haven't fully made up my mind yet whether I want an army of them, but I'm definitely leaning that way.  And I also finished off ten Irondrakes who were left over from last month, and painted this dwarf thief from Bad Squiddo Games. This month is going to be about a few small project...

My first display board

 I made my first ever display board for Armies on Parade this year. I really enjoyed making it and am very pleased with how it came out, so thought I'd write a short guide to how it did it. I found when I was researching that there were a lot of videos on making display boards and terrain, but not that many blogs, and personally I prefer written guides for this sort of thing. Here's a picture of the finished board. I'm pleased with it because: it meets my initial vision for it, which was my Tempest Eye army marching through a canyon; and I think it looks like the models belong in that world, the board fits with their bases very well. If I was doing it over again, the three things I'd try to do better are: take better photos - I really struggled with this; put the tree at the front - this is the bit of the board with the most detail (there are a lot of birds in and around the tree), but it gets a bit lost in the middle and was hard to bring out in photos; improve the loo...