Hobby projects - January 2021

 I've not been great at blogging this month, but let's do a quick review of the last month's hobby, and what I'm hoping to get done next month.

I didn't set myself any specific hobby goals for January, but I've ended up getting quite a bit done.

  • I've painted a steam tank and a treelord for my ghost dwarf army. I'm really happy with these, I think they do a good job of conveying the army narrative, and also look cool.
Two Games Workshop miniatures: a treeman, and a steam punk style tank.

  • I've painted two thirds of the Bloodbowl starter set: all of the black orc team except the star player, and half of the human team. Nothing fancy here, but I think the colour schemes work well, and I'm pleased with the bases.
Miniatures from a black orc Bloodbowl team, painted with green skin and red armour.

Miniatures from the Imperial Nobility Bloodbowl team, painted with gold armour and teal clothing.

What am I planning to do in February?

I have an ambitious three goals for February:
  • Finish the Bloodbowl starter set (ten minis remaining).
  • Paint Khagra's Ravagers, the new Underworlds warband that's due out next week.
  • Build all of and ideally paint some of the Ossiarch Bonereaper stuff in my shame pile (some Immortis Guard, a Mortek Crawler, and a Lord Kavalos).
