Hobby projects - February 2021

 It's time to look back at how I did against last month's hobby goals, and what I'm planning for the next month.

I've had quite a productive month, and have finished or am close to finishing a few projects.

Last month's goals

1. Finish the Bloodbowl starter set: done. I've painted everything except Griff Oberwald, who is getting a new career as a freeguild general and thus I've decided doesn't count towards this goal. I'm happy with the Bloodbowl set, I painted it up pretty quickly but I think both teams came out well.

The minis from the Bloodbowl starter set lined up on a Bloodbowl pitch. The orcs are painted with green skin and red armour, the humans have gold armour and teal clothes.

2. Paint Khagra's Ravagers, the new Underworlds warband that came out in February: done. I'm really pleased with these, the models are superb and I think my colour scheme worked well. I've also got quite a few games of Underworlds in with them, with mixed success so far but they're a fun warband to play with.

Four chaos warrior miniatures, painted with black metallic armour, and blue cloaks.

3. Build all of and ideally paint some of the Ossiarch Bonereaper stuff in my shame pile: done. I got everything built, and have painted all of it except a Mortek Crawler. I'm a bit undecided about the Bonereapers, I'm not super happy with how any of the individual models have come out, but I do like the overall look when they're all together.

So what am I aiming to get done in March?

  • Paint the Mortek Crawler, which will get me to 1000 points of OBR.
  • Paint the Underworlds Seraphon warband, assuming it comes out in time to let me get this done in March.
  • Convert and paint a Celestial Hurricanum for my ghost dwarf army. I've been planning this project for a while, and am really excited to finally get to it.
