Hobby projects - April 2021
I didn't get round to doing a hobby round-up post in March, so this is going to be a bumper post covering two months of hobby progress. Last month's goals 1. Paint the Mortek Crawler: done. This felt quite tricky to paint, because it features a lot of areas of bone colour which given the fairly dark scheme for my OBR could easily have been quite boring. I ended up introducing a second bone colour of dark grey tinted purple to try to make it a bit less plain, and am reasonably happy with how it came out. 2. Paint the Underworlds Seraphon warband: done. I'd been looking forward to these, but the colour scheme I'd planned didn't work out as well as I'd hoped, and I ended up painting them pretty quickly. They're probably my least favourite of the Direchasm Underworlds warbands I've painted so far, but at least I'm still on track with my goal of painting each warband before the next is released. 3. Convert and paint a Celestial Hurricanum for my ghost dw...