I finished my Kharadron overlord army
I finished my Kharadron army yesterday, so this week's blog is going to be a picture heavy army showcase for them. Here's the whole force. I have around 3000 points I think, which gives me quite a few list options to play with. It's a weird time to have finished this army: I'm not able to play games at the moment due to local covid-19 restrictions, and it seems pretty likely that Kharadron will see some points increases if there is a winter FAQ this year, so the army could be in quite a different place by the time I'm able to get it on the table. But I'm looking forward to when I'll eventually be able to get some games in with them, regardless. I started off painting just a few units to go alongside my Tempest's Eye force, and then decided to expand it when the Aether Wars box came out in early 2020. Here are all the foot troops. The arkanaut company were probably my favourite models in the army to paint, they're a lovely kit, and I think my colour...